SEE the UNSEEN: Meet Senior Gameplay Animator, JOHN SELDON
Welcome to our employee spotlight where we feature members from our team, sharing their insights, perspectives and their stories about how they got into the industry. In this feature, we sit down with John Seldon : Senior Gameplay Animator at UNSEEN and learn about his journey into video games.
UNSEENのアーティストたちがゲーム業界に入ったきっかけ、洞察力、考え方などをご紹介するコーナー"SEE the UNSEEN".
Hello! My name is John Seldon, I’m from a small town called Bridgend, South Wales, I have been a professional Animator for 14 years.
I'm obsessed with Animation in general, I can't get enough of it. Although I’m a 3D animator, I like to dabble in 2D and stop motion as well.
I love drawing and playing guitar, but I probably spend most of my free time watching anime (One Piece is my obsession!), reading manga and listening to Metal music. I also enjoy collecting figures (of which I have a lot!), watching rugby, exercising (I also weirdly collect kettlebells!) and of course playing video games. I basically have too many hobbies and interests, and having two children almost ensures I have little time to do much of any of them.
I'm Welsh, and I like people to know that. I will tell you right now, I am Welsh. I'm weird and a little awkward, and will often go off on strange tangents if I'm left to talk for too long. I'm Welsh, I’m from Wales.
▲ My dog Glenn! うちのグレーン!
▲ One of my guitars! 私持ってるギターのなかでひとつ!
▲ From Spirited Away, one of my favourite moments in the film: the train ride.
映画『千と千尋の神隠し』で一番好きな瞬間の一つです。 汽車の旅
Artwork and animations from other artists are a real inspiration for me. I can't get enough of watching other people’s reels, especially breakdown videos going through the stages of their work. I’m often in awe of the talent out there, and can sometimes trigger my crippling imposter syndrome.
I respect and admire the effort people put into making art, and I love seeing the process. It's the same for most disciplines in games - seeing the work people do to make certain parts of games function the way they do, just makes me strive to improve my own work further.
Music really inspires me too, I will listen to game soundtracks over and over again to keep me going. I love music and I think it plays a huge part in what makes a game special.
The original Final fantasy 7 is probably my all-time favourite, it's a game I'm constantly returning to. I love the franchise, but that game ticked all the boxes for me. I became hugely invested in the characters and it was the first game to break me emotionally. The music is brilliant and I'll happily listen to the soundtrack while I work.
Sonic was the game that started my love of games. I was a real SEGA nerd growing up, and whenever I hear the soundtrack from the original two Mega Drive games, I get all nostalgic. I also think I have more Sonic merch than anything, even two Sonic Christmas jumpers (I'm willing to sell one since it's too small). Other favourites would be Devil May Cry, Tenchu Wrath of Heaven, Spider-Man (the new one and Spider-Man 2 on the PlayStation), Jonah Lomu rugby, Uncharted 2, and The Last of Us. Too many favourite games really, I know I forgot some and I'm devastated about that.
▲ Some of my figures 私のフィギュアたち
▲ Jonah Lomu Rugby / Rage Games
▲ Sonic the Hedgehog 2 / SEGA
▲ Tenchu Wrath of Heaven / Stealth Game
「ファイナルファンタジー7 オリジナル版」は、おそらく私の一生のお気に入りで、何度もリプレイしています。私はFFのゲームは全部好きですが、「FFVII」はすべての条件を満たしたゲームです。キャラクターたちにどっぷりのめり込むことができて、感情を揺さぶられた最初のゲームでした。音楽も素晴らしくて、仕事をしながらもサウンドトラックを楽しく聴いています。
「ソニック」は初恋のゲームでした。成長する過程でセガの大ファンになって、「メガドライブオリジナル」のサウンドトラックを聴くたびに、ノスタルジアに浸ります。だからか、「ソニック」のグッズコレクションの数が一番多いです。「ソニック」のクリスマスセーターも2着持っていて、1着は小さすぎるので売りたいと思っています。その他のお気に入りのゲームは、「デビルメイクライ」、「天誅 参」、「スパイダーマン」(新しいバージョンとプレイステーションの「スパイダーマン2」)、「ジョナ ロムー ラグビー」、「アンチャーテッド2」、そして「ザ・ラスト・オブ・アス」です。私のお気に入りのゲームはもっとありますが、忘れているものありそうで残念です。
▲ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ティーンエイジ・ミュータント・ニンジャ・タートルズ
My love of games started at a really young age, and although I loved playing sports, I kind of hated going out, struggled a bit where I lived and playing games was probably my escapism, as it is for a lot of people. It never occurred to me until I’d left school that it was something I could do for a living. Wales is generally a blue collar country, so doing anything with art was never suggested to me.
I've always enjoyed animation, with Aladdin being my favourite film, and the Turtles, Transformers, and Thundercats my favourite shows, to name a few (a lot of T's??). I used to make stop motion Morph (Aardman character) videos with my Mother when I was a child, but I never felt that life or school was geared towards anything other than your typical, seemingly mundane looking jobs.
As a result, I ended up going to Uni initially to study Computer Science. Suffice to say it wasn't for me, and I only managed a year of it, before having to rethink my options. Luckily, my parents were kind enough to let me take a year to figure out what I wanted to do.
I worked different part time jobs in my youth, so I was certain that any "normal" job wouldn't be for me. It was around this time that I first watched Spirited Away. A friend of mine put it on and I became obsessed with it. I watched it over and over and even bought myself a special copy of the film with the behind the scenes, which I also watched over and over. It was watching the making of that film that made me think that maybe I could do that as a career.
My mother helped me track down some good animation courses, and I spent my time practicing my drawing skills, so that I could get onto a course. The following year, I started an animation course at GCADT (Glamorgan Computer and Design Technology). It was there that I realized my love of 3D animation, and that I could actually combine that with my love of games. One arm wrestle with a future Lead later, and I got lucky landing a job at Crytek UK. 14 years on, I’m still loving working in games. I honestly don’t think I'll ever get bored of it.
▲ Spirited Away 千と千尋の神隠し
私の母は、私がアニメーターになるための適切なコースを見つけるのを手伝ってくれて、入学に向けて絵を練習しました。そして翌年、私はGCADT(Glamorgan コンピューター&デザイン テクノロジー)でアニメーションコースを始め、3Dアニメーションへの情熱を実感し、それを私が愛するゲームと組み合わせることができることに気付きました。後にリードになるアーティストとの運命の腕相撲後、私はCrytek UKでの仕事の機会を幸運にも得ることができました。14年目の今も、ゲーム業界での仕事を楽しんでいます。正直、これに飽きることはないと思います。
Ever since I became aware of UNSEEN, I knew it was a place I wanted to work at. I worked with Liam Wong back in Crytek many many years ago, and have always been interested in his work and his photography since then, and seeing his involvement with UNSEEN really got me interested. Then seeing all the incredible people who were also involved, who worked on games I loved, got me even more interested.
I worked with Raúl (Animation Director) before he joined UNSEEN, and he is an animator with incredible talent and style. He's also a pretty good human being! So from the moment Raúl got involved, I was secretly hoping he'd reach out to me to work here, which thankfully he did! Getting to know more about the studio and what Ikumi-san wanted this studio to represent, as someone with a small family, it really appealed to me. UNSEEN is a place that I think is breaking the mould for games studios - it's inclusive and borderless and will serve as an example of how companies in the 21st century should be.
UNSEENに入社する前に、Raúl(UNSEENアニメーションディレクター)と一緒に仕事をしたことがあり、彼は非常に優れた才能とスタイルを持つアニメーターだと考えていました。もちろん、人としても素晴らしい人です! RaúlがUNSEENに加わってからは、彼から一緒に仕事しようって声がかからないかひそかに期待していましたが、実際に本当にその機会がやってきました!小さな家族を持つ人として、このスタジオと中村育美がスタジオに込めた思いを知り、とても魅力を感じました。UNSEENはゲームスタジオの常識を覆す存在だと思います。インクルーシブであり、ボーダーレスで、21世紀の企業のあるべき姿の見本となるでしょう。
▲ I don’t generally look back on work I’ve done, but this was fun piece
▲ Masterchief’s Takedown
▲The Ogmore river that runs down through the valley 谷を通って海に下るオグモア川。
I was certain that any "normal" job wouldn't be for me. 14 years on, I’m still loving working in games. I honestly don’t think I'll ever get bored of it.
What do you hope to bring to UNSEEN?
I'm not sure exactly what I bring to UNSEEN necessarily, but I hope to be able to support the team as much as possible and apply everything I've learnt during my career, to help make the best games. It's an amazingly talented team, so I want to make sure I don't let the side down!
▲ We have many a beach within 10 minutes from where we live 私が住んでいる所から10分ぐらい行くと海をたくさん見れます。
What advice would you give to someone looking to follow a similar path?
Never stop trying to learn and better yourself. Always look to learn from as many people as possible. Do as much personal work to improve as you can. It's not always the case that your skills will be pushed or improved on a job, and you risk stagnating. The industry can be fickle, so you want to try and make sure you're well equipped to deal with whatever it throws at you. Take advice from as many people as you can, and don’t be too precious over your work. And mostly, have fun. It’s a fun career and you should enjoy it as much as possible.